Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Nature and Fashion

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 2

One would wonder what fashion has to do with nature. Nature is the sum total of a thing; the very qualities and characteristics by which a thing is recognized.

What then is the nature of fashion?

Shall we say that the true nature of fashion is dependent on the person creating her? Maybe not. Fashion, though not restricted to what we put on our body and how that makes us look, has her nature.

In her natural state, fashion is meant to add beauty and style to our dressing and our way of doing things. Over time, people started using fashion to achieve some other purposes. This new approach to fashion completely bastardized her nature and affected her very essence. Once her original and true nature was tampered with, her beauty was gone, and what was left of her was the shadow of her former self.

The beauty of fashion is in its essence which is to add glamour and style to clothing.

What is fashion not?

Someone has once said that on our way to becoming who we must be, we might sometimes imitate people who are ahead of us in the path which we have chosen. We may also need to adjust and re-adjust before we become. But, what happens when we decide to take up another’s image forgetting who we are while hiding under the cover of ‘facial enhancement’? Do we call that fashion too? I hope not.

Fashion does not require us to stop being who we are to become another, it rather requires us to continue being who we are in a unique and beautiful way.

We become better by improving on who we already are rather than trying to become another person.

Sunday, 24 February 2019


Sunday, February 24, 2019 8

Africa, my Africa
Africa of proud warriors in ancestral savannahs
Africa of whom my grandmother sings
On the banks of distant rivers….

Africa is a people so unique and so distinct. Their peculiarity is marked by their resilient belief in their culture. Although a lot has been attributed to the name Africa, one thing is worthy of note: Africa preserves her cultural heritage with strength and vigour!

Can a leopard change its spots? Or How possible is it for the elephant to cease being a giant? As impossible as those things are, so is it with Africa to lose its cultural heritage in the midst of other conflicting cultures and traditions.

For every culture in Africa, there is a unique fashion which makes it stand out from the others. These different fashions put together give African fashion its uniqueness from the rest fashions of the world.

African fashion is worth investing into.

Friday, 22 February 2019

Fashion and Culture

Friday, February 22, 2019 1
Fashion and culture are two sides of the same coin. Talking about one without the other is like going to war with a one-edged sword. The culture of a people is their way of life, the very substance that makes them unique. The fashion of that same people is simply the display of their culture.

As I’ve already pointed out in my earlier posts, if we must appreciate fashion, then we must appreciate people’s way of life – culture. Most times when we talk about fashion, we find ourselves drifting into the culture of a people, making references to that culture, and explaining the aspect of fashion we speak about with the elements of that culture.

Although fashion goes beyond the clothes we put on and the accessories that go with them, it has largely been portrayed using our outfit. Other areas of fashion include dance, ceremonies, rituals, etc.

The beauty of fashion is in its appropriateness to the culture it represents!