Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Urhobo People of Nigeria

Wednesday, March 13, 2019 2

A people so unique and so distinctively peaceful, the Urhobo people (constituting the major ethnic group in Delta state of Nigeria) is one of such people groups who do not readily come to mind when Nigerian culture is mentioned, partly because their culture has not been properly documented or has not been widely observed.

From traditional rendition and reports of few observers and researchers, the Urhobo culture is categorised as part of the major people groups in Nigeria as it has over 2 million people who are called by her name.

What is unique about this people? 

Urhobo Traditional Attire

Unlike some cultures that exist side by side it, Urhobo people are completely dressed when in their traditional attire. Some Nigerian traditional attires allow for the exposure of some parts of the body which should be covered. But, this is not so with this people. Rather, it is traditional for them to cover their bodies.

Although there are a lot of things passed down to us by our fathers in terms of tradition and culture, we reserve the right to choose which ones to continue with, and which ones to drop.

Urhobo Woman in Traditional Attire
Another important thing to note about the Urhobo people is their sufficient use of beads on their traditional attire. Urhobo traditional attire is not complete without beaded accessories. This may be a choice though, but it adds great style to the attire especially the way their women use them.

A look beyond their traditional attire to other parts of their culture may reveal a people who have some festivities and traditional rites which are greatly connected to water or water life due to their closeness to the water body. It is worthy to note at this point that the Urhobo people share a lot in common with the Edo people of Nigeria.

The Urhobos may not be the best people in Nigeria, but their way of life is worth looking into.

Friday, 8 March 2019

Nigeria and Her Culture

Friday, March 08, 2019 0
Some may have argued that African culture is generally barbaric. Though such persons or groups may have their reasons for saying so, that does not fully define the true nature of African culture.
Nigeria as only one of the 50 African countries there are has a number of people groups. Each of these groups has its own culture and tradition. There are three people groups which readily come to mind whenever Nigerian culture is mentioned. Beyond them are several others, some of whose cultures and traditions are not yet documented.

Nigerian culture is the broad name that covers all the cultures which are found in Nigeria. These cultures differ one from the other due to a lot of reasons. Some of them claim that what they have was passed to them from their ancestors. Yet some others established theirs as a result of something that happened. Whatever reason for which the cultures are established, the truth remains that some aspect of these cultures are beautiful and unique and are worth preserving. 
Although a people may not be separated from their culture, that culture can be modified.
Can we fight a people’s culture yet adopt their fashion? Can we desecrate what a people believe in and at the same time want them to accept us? That won’t work well. A closer look at these cultures may help us to appreciate them for what they are and have a good ground on which to stand while fighting against the parts which we don’t think should continue existing.

If there is any need to peacefully co-exist, then we have to come to terms with the fact that it may not be possible to separate a people from their culture, but that culture can be modified to let go (of such things which stand against healthy human existence) and accept (those things which show improvement and development).

Coming shortly… Uhrobo People of Nigeria